Spring Equinox is upon us, and that’s a beautiful thing for runners. From longer daylight hours to the blossoming scenery distance runners are primed and ready for a season of renewal and revitalization.
Exploring menstrual wellness can offer insights into how your cycle affects your training, provide tips for scheduling your runs around your period, and learn to tame that monthly menace known as your period, as part of your running wellness.
Get tips on how to build a holistic approach to wellness.
For athletes, food is fuel because it gives us the energy to train and increases our athletic performance. Learn from student athlete Jordynn West on how she balances healthy eating with her packed schedule of school and training.
Learn about the many benefits of plant-based nutrition and how runners can incorporate more veggie options into their busy routines--even if they love meat!
How can you seek nutrition counseling or support when your practitioner can’t relate to you? RUNGRL talked to the experts at Culina Health on why representation in dietetics is so important.
Setting boundaries doesn’t have to be don't have to be a huge life overhaul; they can begin with small acts you learn to maintain before you expand to other areas of your life. Dr. Ayanna Abrams shares tips on how to set barriers and find the space you need to heal.
These four yoga and pilates inspired moves are a great way to build stability for moms-to-be.
Develop a plan to prepare for and recover from your runs with a post-run stretching routine.
Being fit and active doesn’t have to be tied to being thin. Runner and educator Fallon Jones shares her personal journey to find representation and self-acceptance as an athlete who doesn’t share the “traditional” body type.
Dr. Rhianna Green dives into the ways you can take charge of rehab practices at home by building good recovery habits.
Dr. Candice WIlliams shares ways to bring the new self-care practices you learned in quarantine with you as you head back out into this strange and stressful new normal.
Mary Mbaba merges trauma-informed research strategy with general health practice to promote Black wellness and mental health care as a healing practice for Black people.
Mary Mbaba, a public health practitioner, social psychologist and yoga instructor, shares thoughts on how the idea of wellness is about so much more than working out.
Dr. Candice Williams offers tips to help you start adjusting to the world’s new ‘normal’ and feel mentally prepared to step foot outside before the world opens back up.
Running over (and through) life’s difficulties taught Karen Hill Allen to keep her faith and just keep going.
Read how Kimberly Kirby learned to use the thing that made her most anxious—running—as a tool to combat anxiety itself.
These fit-fluencers are serving up home workouts and wellness tips to help you emerge from this quarantine situation fitter than ever.
Marathoner Cicely Green shares why caring for your emotional self is a vital component of any training and self-care plan.
RUNGRL co-founder Ashlee Lawson explores how mental stressors and triggers can keep us from performing at our best, and offers tips on how to work through mental fatigue towards better runs and a better headspace.
Dr. Tamara Wilkerson Dias shares her tips on getting started with Meal Prepping to make it both fun and easy for newbies.
With the prevalence of racial bias against African Americans in the medical community on the rise, Dr. Candice Williams explains how to ensure your healthcare providers prioritize your health and concerns just as much as you do.
You know you need to de-stress, but how can you relax with so much on your plate with limited funds and no vacation in sight? Dr. Candice Williams shares why you must make this a life priority and how to squeeze in self-care, even when you’re on a budget.
With such limited time available, as a mother, it can sometimes feel “selfish” to prioritize your own health and wellness. Dr. Candice Williams explains why self-care is non-negotiable for moms and shares tips on how to be more mindful of self, without the guilt.
As both a dermatologist and a runner, Dr. Elyse Love understands the challenges of caring for skin while remaining active. Dr. Love shares her own journey and best skincare tips for active women with RUNGRL.
Are “automatic thoughts” holding you back from making the heath and wellness strides you want to make? Learn more about them from licensed psychotherapist Alvina Acquaye.
With all the heavy lifting Black women find themselves doing between work, life and family, we must strive to develop the wisdom to take care of ourselves, no matter what. But how can you find a balance? Erika Delgado explores.
Mental health professional Traci German shares her perspective on the importance of mental health treatment for Black women and how running can play a helpful role in that process.
Life Coach Ameerah Omar shares how fear became one of her strongest teachers and how literally running toward them changed her views on overcoming the things that gave her anxiety.
What considerations should there be in nutrition planning if you just, well, like to run on a regular basis? Explore how a tailored approach to nutrition that harmonizes with the regular beat of your running routine, can help you meet your fueling needs as a consistent runner.